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Search Mouser:

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Call Mouser's search accelerator page to display results for selected text.

The Mouser Part Search Accelerator for Chrome delivers part information and availability to your browser when you need it. Simply highlight any part number or keyword on any site and instantly preview search results and product details without leaving the page you are on.
- Search without leaving the page you are on. Searching for parts and availability often leads to opening multiple web browser windows and tabs that clutter your computer's desktop. The Mouser Part Search Accelerator is installed right into your browser allowing you to launch it on any web page in any website without ever having to open a new window or tab.
- View current pricing and availability. Mouser understands your time is valuable. To give you the right information to make the right purchasing decisions, the Mouser Search Accelerator displays the manufacturer part number, manufacturer name, and part description. The Accelerator also pulls the latest pricing along with current availability from
- One-click access to detailed information and purchasing options. Clicking on a part number in the Mouser Search Accelerator will direct you to that part's detail page on From the product detail page, you can review in-depth specifications, data sheets, images, pricing information, and purchasing options.