1click About Us

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1click About Us

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Extension Information

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Find about us link in any site by one click

The fastest and smartest way to find the "About" page on any site.

This extension is an open-source šŸ“° extension. What is it mean for you:

ā˜‘ It's mean it's safe. Everyone can inspect the source code.
ā˜‘ It's mean that if you're are a developer or intern your more than welcome to contribute code.

This extension is another extension of 1ce. Our mission is to advance open-source extensions.
Visit our website to learn more, and be part of the community: https://1ce.org

If you have a question, visit the FAQ section on our website: https://1ce.org

Usage Guide:

1. Install the extension (Click on the "Add to Chrome")
2. Click on the extension icon.
3. If the extension identifies the link, the desired page will open in a new tab.
4. If not, you are welcome to add information to the public database by double-clicking on the correct link to the page.

For more instruction visit the website: https://1ce.org

Permissions explain:

No additional permissions
We don't use this permission to anything else.

Data Usage:

We do not record any of your data usage. Everything stay private on your machine, until your decide you want to share it.